
Become a Member or Renew Today!

Membership in the West Side Pioneer Association/Tracy Historical Museum is open to anyone interested in the history of Tracy and the greater Tracy area.

Membership meetings are held throughout the year, generally in conjunction with a History Seminar or event.  Call the Museum or check the Upcoming Events/Announcements section on the web site for the date and location of the next meeting.

Annual Membership Dues (Starting every January)

  • Adults – $10.00
  • Couples – $15.00
  • Students  – $ 5.00
  • Non-Profit Organizations – $10.00
  • Commercial Organizations – $20.00
  • Lifetime Membership (Individual) – $150.00

If you would like to become a member of the West Side Pioneer Association, you can print the  WSPA/Tracy Historical Museum Membership Form and mail it or drop it at Museum with your payment.

WSPA/Tracy Historical Museum
PO Box 117, Tracy, CA 95378-0117
(209) 832-7278